Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Is it really possible to cure Lupus with diet?

Recently, this naturally healthy grandma ordered a naturally healthy cure book for “her” Lupus. The book is by a doctor who has been Lupus free for 10 years. She used a raw vegan diet (tons of fresh fruit and veggies) (no processed foods allowed) combined with powerful green smoothies and a gallon of filtered water a day to rid her body of all signs of Lupus.

Now, this doctor was much sicker than I am now, which is saying a lot for her amazing recovery. I'm pretty freaking sick, you guys. However, her Lupus had escalated to the point where her kidneys were impacted. She had blood sugar issues and had also suffered several mini strokes. Right now I am on a journey to follow her lead and try to cure my Lupus with her “Goodbye Lupus” diet. I figure that if it worked for her issues, curing mine should be no problem.

So, is it possible?

Well, to be honest, I have no idea if this will lead to a permanent cure. There are no guarantees in life, after all. However, I am showing some improvement already after just a few short weeks. Also, to be fair, I have cheated on the raw thing a few times, so my results may not reflect hers until I become more disciplined and/or until more time has passed.

What kind of results am I seeing?

The main issues that have started resolving themselves at this point in my journey are digestive. Before I started this diet, I was, to put it bluntly, worshiping the porcelain god on a regular nightly basis. Most nights of the week would find me awake and suffering from extremely painful acid re-flux, unable to digest most of what I had eaten that day. To put it delicately, what won't go down has nowhere to go but back up.

Now the good news.

Since about a week after starting this diet I am no longer having those late night episodes. You have no idea how much of a relief that is. This week, I had one night where the acid re-flux reared it's ugly head for what I am hoping was the last hurrah. It was a very mild attack, though and not nearly as intense as it used to be. So at least where the digestive issues are concerned, I believe this diet is helping.

So, even if that's all the benefit I get from purchasing this book, it's certainly worth the time, money and effort. It's no fun feeling as if you have a horrendous case of food poisoning on a nightly basis for sure. I'm so thankful for the reprieve from that issue.

To what do I owe this relief?

Well, those green smoothies are an absolute powerhouse of nutrition. In addition to the dark leafy greens, they also contain organic powdered greens with added vitamins, chlorella and spirulina, which, among other things are wonderful for moving things along, if you know what I mean. And then there is that gallon of daily water. That certainly doesn't hurt the digestive process. It likely provides extra lubrication and also flushes a lot of toxins from the system. Not to mention the fact that banishing chemical ridden tap water from the diet is always a good plan.

So there you go. Cross your toes and fingers for me. This naturally healthy vegan grandma is taking things to a whole new even healthier level. I may just beat this Lupus thing, after all. And even if I don't, at least I will be getting some awesome nutrition to help me fight it and feel better doing so. Wish me luck!

Note: This is not a paid revue. The author of this post has no affiliation with the author of the book mentioned.

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