Monday, March 7, 2016

Setting a healthy example

Healthy and yummy! It's a win/win.

You know, the older I get, the more I realize the importance of passing on good, healthy habits to my kids and grand-kids. Doing so may save them from chronic illness or at least keep the symptoms of any inherited illnesses they may acquire down to a dull roar. And for me, that's doubly important.

The Lupus and Rheumatoid that I'm fighting are both prevalent in my family. I'm told that they come from my Dad's side. That means my kids and grand-kids may unfortunately inherit those Lupus and Rheumatoid tendencies from me, as I did from him.

But you know, that's not all. You see, even if I didn't have these chronic illnesses, I would want the healthiest future for them. Doesn't everyone want their descendants to live long, happy, healthy lives? And of course, the more we learn, the more we realize that healthy habits are vital for disease prevention.

I've even heard that lifestyle choices can impact the physical condition of the future gene pool. In other words, unhealthy people produce unhealthy people. Who knew? But even if this weren't true, there's something else to consider.

Monkey see, monkey do? We all know that kids whose parents smoke often pick up the habit themselves. And so it follows that people who have unhealthy habits are likely passing those on, not just through physical changes, but through example.

I always say it's the best teacher. Example, that is. I'm sure I could find a study that proves it, but I think it's fairly obvious, don't you? We've all seen whole families of athletes or whole families of couch potatoes, right? It's pretty common.

So, when I make these positive changes for my health and the health of the planet, I'm not just doing it for my own sake. I'm doing it for my kids and grand-kids too. So they don't ever have to go through what I do with these illnesses.

Because I know that focusing on my own good health isn't just good for me. It's good for them too. Plus, I'm not ready to say goodbye to them yet. We have a whole lot of good times to look forward to and a lot of moments to share. Throwing that all away for a lousy ice cream cone just feels selfish to me.

Stay healthy, my friends. If not for yourself, than for your loved ones. Because one of the best gifts you can give them is a healthy example to follow.

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