Sunday, July 27, 2014

About Naturally Healthy Grandma

A bubble bath sounds nice. (public domain photo)
You know, even the most dedicated, holistically minded, natural guru caregivers in the world get sick of leaving themselves in the dust from time to time. I should know. So, even though I have a houseful of grand-kids, I quit. Oh, right. Ya, it's that easy. Ha ha ha. No, it's not. However, what I can do or rather, what I have done, is to change my position on the long list of people I take care of.

Oh, ya, I'm at the top now.

In fact, I'm downright selfish sometimes. Hey, don't judge. I spent a lot of years being selfless. I went to catholic school. Which, for those of you that haven't had the pleasure, is a sort of forced saturation in being ashamed of yourself for no particular reason other than your own imperfect humanity. It pretty much set the stage for the early stages of my life.

So, now that I'm no longer afraid of going to hell (and my kids are grown) there's no reason why I can't think about myself a little, is there? I think it's time for a little pampering, don't you?

Me too.

I'm really into this whole vegan thing. Don't worry, I have another blog for that. I won't bring it up too much. OK, maybe I will, but I'll try not to nauseate you with it. However, mostly, I'll just be posting about self care, in particularly, natural self care. Because that's what I'm into. It's all connected, you know?

If you're into it too, give me a follow. I may not be this entertaining every day, but I'll give it shot. Plus, I still have this caregiver persona thing lurking in the background. It dies hard. So, I figure, I can at least help someone else with the same issues to help themselves.

But, of course, only by helping myself first. Like, maybe I'll be soaking in a bubble bath at the time or slathering coconut oil all over my feet or something equally self indulgent. No, really. I will. I'm number one now, after all.

Ya, it dies hard.

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