Thursday, July 31, 2014

Eating naked to lose weight

Eating naked isn't indecent (public domain photo)
Those of us who live in the southwest or have a love of Mexican foods like burritos and tacos know all about eating naked. It's not what it sounds like, but it can help you lose weight. This article will discuss naked Mexican foods as well as some other naked techniques you can use to help you with weight loss. They're all quite simple and require no extraordinary sacrifices on your part. This naturally healthy grandma takes going naked at mealtime a step further by leaving out the meat and cheese and adding more fresh veggies.

Naked Mexican food

What's a naked burrito? It's a burrito without the tortilla. What's a naked taco? It's a taco without the shell. Eating naked Mexican food at one famous fast food place can save you as many as 290 calories a serving, depending on the content and type of wrapper. Add up all the burritos you eat in a year and you could lose significant weight just by eating naked Mexican food.

Naked sandwiches

Want to guess how many calories there are in an average white bread slice? There are 66. Since a sandwich contains two slices, you could save 132 calories by eating a naked sandwich without the bread. How about whole wheat bread? It's 128 calories a slice! So, even if it's the most nutritious choice, it may not be the best choice for weight loss. Go naked instead!

Naked salads

What's a naked salad? It's a plain salad with no dressing. Too boring for you? Try dipping your salad bites in apple cider vinegar. It's an option at one restaurant my partner, Gary and I go to. It's way tastier than you might think. Go naked in other ways by eliminating empty calorie salad toppings like bacon bits and croutons. Use mega herbs and spices instead!

Naked main dishes

You can spice up main dishes with herbs too. Make main dishes with vegetables cheese-less and meatless to go naked. You might be inclined to think this is boring, but it's quite the opposite. Without the dredge of greasy meat and cheese, the flavors of the veggies are stronger and last longer. You can eat more without feeling guilty, too. That makes naked main dishes an awesome weight loss strategy.

Naked desserts

So, you're dieting along just fine when along comes that dessert craving. What do you do? Well, in our house, we're vegan. Still, we allow ourselves an occasional scoop of coconut milk ice cream. Depriving ourselves just leads to binges. What makes our coconut ice cream naked? We eat it without the chocolate syrup and opt for dark powdered cocoa instead. It can be mixed in or sifted on top. Delish!

This article was previously published by this author on Yahoo!

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