Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How I remember to drink water

Hydration is healthy! (public domain photo)
Drinking water regularly is probably the best way to stay naturally healthy. It's easy enough to say you will drink more water. We all know why it's important too. Water is the body's lubricant. It keeps toxins flushed and systems in order. I used to be too busy helping others to worry about whether I was getting enough water. Now that I've been diagnosed with 2 chronic illnesses, I make a special effort to pamper myself in this area. I have kids and grand-kids that love me. I'd like to be around a while. Here's how I remember to drink more water daily.

Morning, noon, night

I drink 8 ounces of water when I wake up. It's easy to remember because wake up time is also medicine time. I also drink a small glass of water right around noon and another at bed-time. So, that's 3 of the recommended 6-8 glasses daily right there. Easy breezy!

Water before meals.

I drink a small glass of water just before every meal. I'm told that it helps with weight loss. I don't know if that's true. I do know that doing this brings my total glasses of water up to 6 a day. So, what do I do to get even more water?

Empty out/fill up

This is probably the simplest technique I use. Whenever I empty my bladder, I grab a quick glass of water. What an easy way to be sure you stay hydrated, right? Replacing the water I lose when it's eliminated just makes sense to me. This naturally healthy grandma is never dehydrated that's for sure!

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