Thursday, July 31, 2014

Eating naked to lose weight

Eating naked isn't indecent (public domain photo)
Those of us who live in the southwest or have a love of Mexican foods like burritos and tacos know all about eating naked. It's not what it sounds like, but it can help you lose weight. This article will discuss naked Mexican foods as well as some other naked techniques you can use to help you with weight loss. They're all quite simple and require no extraordinary sacrifices on your part. This naturally healthy grandma takes going naked at mealtime a step further by leaving out the meat and cheese and adding more fresh veggies.

Naked Mexican food

What's a naked burrito? It's a burrito without the tortilla. What's a naked taco? It's a taco without the shell. Eating naked Mexican food at one famous fast food place can save you as many as 290 calories a serving, depending on the content and type of wrapper. Add up all the burritos you eat in a year and you could lose significant weight just by eating naked Mexican food.

Naked sandwiches

Want to guess how many calories there are in an average white bread slice? There are 66. Since a sandwich contains two slices, you could save 132 calories by eating a naked sandwich without the bread. How about whole wheat bread? It's 128 calories a slice! So, even if it's the most nutritious choice, it may not be the best choice for weight loss. Go naked instead!

Naked salads

What's a naked salad? It's a plain salad with no dressing. Too boring for you? Try dipping your salad bites in apple cider vinegar. It's an option at one restaurant my partner, Gary and I go to. It's way tastier than you might think. Go naked in other ways by eliminating empty calorie salad toppings like bacon bits and croutons. Use mega herbs and spices instead!

Naked main dishes

You can spice up main dishes with herbs too. Make main dishes with vegetables cheese-less and meatless to go naked. You might be inclined to think this is boring, but it's quite the opposite. Without the dredge of greasy meat and cheese, the flavors of the veggies are stronger and last longer. You can eat more without feeling guilty, too. That makes naked main dishes an awesome weight loss strategy.

Naked desserts

So, you're dieting along just fine when along comes that dessert craving. What do you do? Well, in our house, we're vegan. Still, we allow ourselves an occasional scoop of coconut milk ice cream. Depriving ourselves just leads to binges. What makes our coconut ice cream naked? We eat it without the chocolate syrup and opt for dark powdered cocoa instead. It can be mixed in or sifted on top. Delish!

This article was previously published by this author on Yahoo!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Encouraging hair growth when toxic meds cause hair loss

Hair loss is no fun! (public domain photo)
Are you on medications that cause your hair to fall out? I am. When I became sick with Lupus and started taking powerful meds, I was astounded at how quickly my brush filled with hair each day. It's a good thing I started out with a healthy head. Otherwise, I might have gone bald. I'm also glad I found a few ways to curb the hair loss from my meds, before it got any worse. Now that I've stopped the meds that were causing my issue, my hair is coming back full force. However, even before stopping the meds, these tips really made a difference.

Fuss more, lose less.

Did you know scalp stimulation keeps hair from falling out so rapidly? That's right. The more you brush your head, the more new growth is encouraged. You would think it would be just the opposite, wouldn't you? I did. Until I read about it. You do, however, want to stay away from damaging practices like blow drying and using curling irons. Devices that heat your hair can make it brittle and weak.

Head massage

New hair growth is stimulated by regular head massage. You might think it unwise to mess around with your hair too much. Actually, the opposite is true. Vigorously massaging the scalp when you shower can encourage toxins to work their way out of your hair and scalp, leaving nothing but healthy, beautiful hair.

Watch what you put in your mouth

You're taking in enough chemicals, without adding to the mix. Talk to your doctor about hair loss. Your medications may very well be the problem. There may be a medicine that's just as effective that doesn't have such embarrassing side effects. Consider your diet as well. Is it helping to flush chemicals from your body? Are you getting enough water and essential nutrients?

Get the chemicals out.

Certain herbs and household products can help reduce chemical build-up in hair follicles. I use a rinse of plain tea made with steeped sage, lavender and thyme. I also rinse my hair with apple cider vinegar once a week. Using these two techniques seems to help quite a bit. I haven't experienced any significant new hair loss since I started doing this.


Moisturizing your hair and scalp regularly keeps it healthier. This can improve its' chemical resistance. Think about how healthy people are less likely to contract colds and flu. Your hair is a part of you. It works on the same principle. The stronger and healthier your hair is, the less likely it is that you will lose it.

This post was previously published by this author on Yahoo!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How I remember to drink water

Hydration is healthy! (public domain photo)
Drinking water regularly is probably the best way to stay naturally healthy. It's easy enough to say you will drink more water. We all know why it's important too. Water is the body's lubricant. It keeps toxins flushed and systems in order. I used to be too busy helping others to worry about whether I was getting enough water. Now that I've been diagnosed with 2 chronic illnesses, I make a special effort to pamper myself in this area. I have kids and grand-kids that love me. I'd like to be around a while. Here's how I remember to drink more water daily.

Morning, noon, night

I drink 8 ounces of water when I wake up. It's easy to remember because wake up time is also medicine time. I also drink a small glass of water right around noon and another at bed-time. So, that's 3 of the recommended 6-8 glasses daily right there. Easy breezy!

Water before meals.

I drink a small glass of water just before every meal. I'm told that it helps with weight loss. I don't know if that's true. I do know that doing this brings my total glasses of water up to 6 a day. So, what do I do to get even more water?

Empty out/fill up

This is probably the simplest technique I use. Whenever I empty my bladder, I grab a quick glass of water. What an easy way to be sure you stay hydrated, right? Replacing the water I lose when it's eliminated just makes sense to me. This naturally healthy grandma is never dehydrated that's for sure!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Exhilarating coffee body scrub removes cellulite and more

Coffee (public domain photo)
I've been telling myself I would get back to using these scrub recipes for a long time. Of, course, like always, other people's needs come first. Well, no more excuses and that goes for you too! I used them once or twice a while back, then caved to the lack of time genie. Now, this naturally healthy grandma is giving them a more committed shot. Here's the original article I wrote when I first started using these recipes for better health. Let's give them a second spin together, shall we?
Coffee body scrub for cellulite removal
Battling ugly cellulite? Tried everything and nothing works? Coffee wafting into the bedroom wakes you up in the morning. It keeps you awake throughout the day. It can wake up your skin too. A coffee body scrub is aid to stimulate circulation to remove cellulite. Add coarse sugar to slough away dead skin cells. Mix with softening avocado and olive oil to nourish dry skin. This is the first of three breakfast food beauty scrubs. Remove cellulite with the coffee body scrub, then try these other two unusual scrubs for surprising beauty benefits.
1 cup ground coffee
1 cup course sugar (such as brown sugar or raw sugar)
1 mashed ripe avocado
1 tsp. olive oil

Just mix together daily and scrub. Leave on 15 minutes and rinse. Results in two to three weeks.

Crazy cornmeal breakfast beauty scrub

You've taken care of cellulite removal with the coffee body scrub. Now, how about that pretty face? Cornmeal is nutritious and delicious for breakfast. Combine uncooked cornmeal with plain yogurt and almond oil for a glowing complexion. The cornmeal scrubs away dead skin to let your inner beauty shine through. The blended tofu and almond oil provide nourishment and moisture for the skin.

Cornmeal face scrub
1 cup uncooked cornmeal
1 cup (8 oz.) blended tofu
1 tsp. almond oil

Mix together, scrub and rinse.

Banana elbow scrub Coffee body scrub to remove cellulite, cornmeal on your face and bananas on your elbows? If your elbows are dry, red and scaly, bananas are a great natural cure. Just like the coffee cellulite remover and the crazy cornmeal face scrub, you 'll need ingredients that both remove dead skin and soften the new skin hiding underneath. In the case of the banana elbow scrub, use a mashed banana and some dead sea salt. This is a course salt found where you buy soap making supplies.

Banana Elbow Scrub

½ cup dead sea salt
1 mashed ripe banana
1 tsp. almond oil

Mix banana and dead sea salt together, scrub and rinse. Apply ½ tsp. almond oil to each elbow for all day softening power.

Portions of this post were previously published on Yahoo! By this author.

Dear Coke, this healthy grandma is no fool

I'm no fool for Coca-Cola! (public domain photo)
Have you guys seen the Coca-Cola bottles with the names on them? Have you found and bought one with your name on it? If you have, there's no shame in it. It's a very human thing to do. Or maybe a friend bought one with your name on it and gave it to you? Once again, no shame, not your move. Here's why I won't be doing it, though.

Coca-Cola is bad for me, whether it has my name on it or not. It's nothing but a bottle full of chemicals, sugar and water. It's not a drink. It's a recipe for bad health. The only thing good in it is the water, which I will be drinking on its' own, without the Coca-Cola.

Coke sure has our number, don't they? They figure putting our names on their bottles gets us to buy their product even though they're ruining the health of millions of people with said product. And guess what? It's working. People are buying it.

Coca-Cola really thinks the American public consists of a bunch of idiots who will buy anything with a cool promotional campaign technique attached to it, no matter how bad it is for them. Unfortunately, some people are proving them right by doing just that.

Not me, you guys. I'm not buying Coke with or without my name on it. I'm not supporting a company that is not only killing us with their product, but trying their best to make fools out of us in the process. This naturally healthy grandma is no fool! So, Coca-Cola company, you can take that crappy bottle of chemicals with my name on it and.... well, you know what you can do with it.

Vitamin D and Lupus – my experience

Sunflower (photo by Jaipi Sixbear)
A lack of Vitamin D is fairly common in Lupus patients. Once I was diagnosed with Lupus, my rheumatologist did blood tests that revealed I was severely deficient. They weren't at all surprised at those results. Lupus had left me severely limited in mobility. Plus, my writing career had me working indoors most of the time. No sun equals no Vitamin D.

My doctors prescribed a high dose supplement right away. I wasn't satisfied with just that. You see, I had heard that the best Vitamin D comes naturally from the sun and that supplementing can lead to issues from the excess. Here's the changes I made in my lifestyle that help me keep my Vitamin D levels up with Lupus, beyond supplementation.

I did take the supplements, at first.

I was severely deficient. Therefore, doing so brought no great risk of an overdose. However, I knew that taking massive doses of Vitamin D when deficient, was very different than continuing those high dosages on a permanent basis. Therefore, I decided to gradually wean myself from the supplements with the help of the sun.

I'm lucky in some respects with Lupus.

Most Lupus patients have severe reactions to the sun. As for me, it does bring on extreme fatigue and flu-like symptoms at times. I can't stay out in the sun, unprotected for long periods of time. On the other hand, I don't have to worry about fatal Lupus flares or severe rashes from sun exposure. Don't get me wrong, I have some crazy stuff going on that those other Lupus patients don't experience too. Still, it's nice to be able to get my Vitamin D naturally.

I soak up the sun, in small doses.

While it's true that the form of Lupus I have does not cause severe sun toxicity, who knows when that will change? So, even though I don't have that reaction now, I'm careful about how long I spend outdoors. I also spent a good amount of time acclimating in small doses before I worked my way up to where I can stay outside for a couple hours at a time. That's miraculous for someone with Lupus.

I stopped wearing sunscreen and sunglasses all the time.

This is a personal choice. I would never presume to tell anyone with or without Lupus to take this measure. It's one of those risks that could pay off or could go very badly. For me, though, it was a good choice. Why do I do it? I learned that Vitamin D is best produced through the absorption of the sun through the skin and eyes. Using sunscreen and wearing sunglasses prevents this from happening. Don't worry. When I am in the sun for long periods, I use protection. After all, you only need ten to fifteen minutes of daily sun to get all the Vitamin D you need.

Gardening has become my Lupus savior.

I know that my choice doesn't work for everyone with Vitamin D deficiencies and Lupus. Still, when I started gardening actively, my Vitamin D deficiency went straight out the window. I have no issues with it any more. I'm feeling a lot better. In fact, there are actually days now where I forget that I'm sick. That's because when I have everything I need, nutritionally, my symptoms lessen. Who knows? Maybe some day, they'll disappear altogether. Stranger things have happened.

Please note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is not intended to replace professional advice or consultation.

This article was previously published by this author on Yahoo!

Hide beauty flaws on the beach with cover-ups

Bathing beauty (public domain photo)
Sunscreen? Check. Towel? Check. Sunglasses? Check. Toned and firmed bikini ready body? No? Me neither. I'm naturally healthy, not perfect. Never fear, these beach cover ups have you covered ladies. Whether your bikini ready body is a few weeks away or a few years behind schedule, beach cover ups are the solution. When I soak up just a bit of sun at the beach for Vitamin D, I try not to let it all hang out because I have a lot flaws. I'm not insulting myself. I'm just getting older, that's all.

Cellulite and varicose veins are no match for these beach cover ups. You can buy it or make it. To make it yourself, buy a piece of dark colored chiffon at the fabric store . Hem it on all 4 sides. To wrap it more than once around yourself, buy at least 4 yards.

Painted toe nails

If your body is nearly beach ready, draw attention away with pretty bare feet and red painted toe nails. The focus will be on shapely feet walking through the sand, rather than that last ten pounds. You'll feel better about yourself with a pampering pedicure too.

Boyfriend shorts

Baggy rolled up shorts will act as beach cover ups without making you look like you are trying to cover up. Wear them at the waist to cover tummy bulge. Pair them with a bikini top. No one will be looking at your legs.

More pairings

A waist high sarong will set off that bikini top as well. All people will see is the top, those painted toenails and a bit of leg. Sarongs even look sexy wet so go ahead and take the plunge. If you cant pull off the bikini top, wear it under a white tied up t-shirt

Extra long T-shirt

If your legs are decent from the knees down, long t-shirts are the perfect solution to cover up the rest.
Wear t-shirt cover ups over any kind of swim suit. Once again, go right in the water with this. The wet t-shirt covers up while suggestively hugging curves.

Cut offs

Daisy Duke rocked these cover ups. So can you. Just add a couple inches and wear them a bit baggy. Add a cute little button down short sleeve or sleeveless top. Tie the shirt at the waist for sex appeal if you dare or leave it loose and playful.


Capris look great on everyone. These cover ups cover it all up and still look beach ready. Roll them up loosely to play in the surf. Pair them up with a loose button up blouse. Like all the other beach cover ups, these can be worn in or out of the water. Now, get out there and live a little in the summer sun.

This article was previously published on Yahoo! by this author.

Grandma is a tree hugger by nature

Tree Hugger (public domain photo)
I was born into a natural world. I try to live primarily by natural rules. Even when I was a die hard care-giver (like I ever really stopped) I still lived as close to nature as possible. Now that I'm heck bent on pampering myself, I'm delving even deeper into bending with the winds and connecting positively with nature. My eventual goal is to live my life entirely by natural law. Of course, the way our society is designed, that's not completely possible. Still, I'd like to get as close as I can to my ideal.

Being vegan is a big part of it.

I know not all my readers are vegan. Nobody's perfect. Still, that's my path. The more I learn about our natural diet and physical capacity for digestion, the more convinced I am that we were intended to be vegan. We are primates, after all. I feel like I'm practicing the ultimate self care by giving my body natural, organic, GMO free vegan food. No, I don't expect everyone to go vegan. I can't deny that I wish they would, though. It would certainly solve a lot of the world's problems, in my opinion.

I'd like to live off grid some day.

The way we conventionally use our resources does not follow any natural law that I'm aware of. Heating, cooling and electric are certainly nice things to have, though. I think solar and wind power are a nice compromise. Sure, the devices used to collect them have to be made conventionally. That takes resources too. However, the end result is much less wasteful.

Natural self care is earth friendly.

I shudder whenever I think of the chemicals that go down the drain every second. Chemicals in hair dye, soap, shampoo and other seemingly innocent beauty products are included. When we shower, you know. They have to go somewhere after they go down the drain. They don't just magically disappear. That's why I try my best to use the most natural products I can find.

Cleaning products are part of self care too.

You might not think of these as something that has to be natural. Plus, you want to kill household germs, right? Actually, there are natural products such as vinegar and thyme that have been proven to disinfect as well as chlorine. Chlorine in your home air and on your home surfaces, as it turns out, is not a good thing at all. I've always used some natural cleaning products. Now, I'm trying out even more healthy alternatives on my pamper yourself journey.

Let's talk Lupus.

I am quite convinced that if I had followed my natural inclination and pampered myself all the time by doing what's good for me, I would have never known I had Lupus. Some of the things I was doing, like my soda pop habit and former sedentary lifestyle are known to cause the inflammation that brought my symptoms to the surface. Yes, the Lupus and rheumatoid I have are hereditary. I will always have them. But I believe with proper diet and lifestyle, they can be controlled.

Why I use coconut oil for everything

Coconuts (public domain photo)
Coconut oil is my hero these days. I buy the organic kind, which may seem expensive to some. For me though, it's all about quality and diversity. Coconut oil is also longer lasting then other oils. It has medium chain fatty acids, but is cholesterol free. Coconut oil is better for frying. Plus, it makes wonderful beauty products that keep this naturally healthy grandma looking young.

Coconut oil is moisture rich

You can use it straight out of the jar as a conditioning lotion and a conditioner for your hair. It's so rich that just a small dab is all you need for luxurious locks. Some people even say it keeps the gray hair at bay. I'm not sure about that, but it does keep hair nice and soft. It also makes a great facial cream and make-up remover.

Look for soaps with a coconut oil base.

My grand-kids are always telling me how soft my hands are. I tell them it's the love. To be honest, though, it's probably the coconut oil. I've been using it a long time. My soap has coconut oil in it. I also keep a jar in my bathroom to use after showering. As I apply it to the rest of me, it soaks into my hands, leaving them soft and smooth.

Coconut oil is good for dental health.

Some use it for oil pulling. Personally, I use it as a toothpaste. I just mix it with a bit of baking soda and some mint extract. If my teeth are looking dull, I add a little hydrogen peroxide. Using coconut oil as toothpaste prevents cavities without harmful fluoride.

Coconut oil is diverse in the kitchen too.

I already mentioned using it to fry with. It makes a fabulous substitute for butter in recipes. It's still rich, but with good fats. Coconut oil can be used to grease the baking tins too. In fact, you can use it in any way other cooking oils are used.

Creamy ice cream

You can make ice cream and whipped cream by combining it with coconut milk or almond milk. Treats made with coconut oil and coconut milk are even better tasting than the conventional ones. Who needs dairy? It's not natural for humans to drink cow milk anyway. It's for cows, duh!

Every day, I find more uses for coconut oil

It even makes a fabulous, non-toxic wood conditioner/polish for furniture. Eczema simply vanishes when coconut oil is applied for a couple days. It's not just moisture rich, it's healing. Yup, whether it's with healthy food choices or lovely lotions, this grandma pampers herself daily with coconut oil. From the kitchen to the bath, it's the most diverse natural product in my house.

This Grandma's taking it easy, sort of

Ahhhhhh!!!!! (public domain photo)
Part of my journey to be good to myself involves the natural, yet not always thus categorized cure of taking it easy. I suck at it, folks. I'm a caregiver. Hello! It's both the least likely thing for me to do and the thing I need to do most.

I absolutely cannot sit still as long as there are things to do and people who need taking care of. I have to fight myself every step of the way just to sit and do nothing for 5 minutes out of the day.

I've taken to fooling myself lately. It's a weird solution, I know. Yet, it seems to be the only one that works.

For instance, I make sure that the room I am sitting in has absolutely no sign of needing a cleaning. The rest of the house is not my concern. I can't see it. Therefore, it is entirely possible to forget that there is something beyond my line of vision that needs to be done.

Or one would think so. Actually, it's not that simple when you are the head honcho. (Please don't tell my partner I am the head honcho.) He's a man. He thinks men are in charge. Let's not burst his bubble, just yet. I kind of like him, you know?

Anyway, since I have appointed myself head honcho of all things that need doing, there's another little thing I do. It's called “do everything, then sit down”. Now, admittedly, it's not quite as good an idea, since I still have to do the work. However, it's much easier to sit at peace when you know you have done all you can toward helping everyone and keeping the house, at least for the moment.

So, ya, I'm not quite there yet. I do, however, reward and entice myself by keeping peppermint foot lotion by the recliner I write in and a nice cup of my favorite tea within reach. So, at the very least, I sit down while writing. That is, unless one of the dogs needs out or someone of the human persuasion needs help with something or the dryer buzzer goes off or some salesmen shows up at the door.

Sigh.... I will get there.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

About Naturally Healthy Grandma

A bubble bath sounds nice. (public domain photo)
You know, even the most dedicated, holistically minded, natural guru caregivers in the world get sick of leaving themselves in the dust from time to time. I should know. So, even though I have a houseful of grand-kids, I quit. Oh, right. Ya, it's that easy. Ha ha ha. No, it's not. However, what I can do or rather, what I have done, is to change my position on the long list of people I take care of.

Oh, ya, I'm at the top now.

In fact, I'm downright selfish sometimes. Hey, don't judge. I spent a lot of years being selfless. I went to catholic school. Which, for those of you that haven't had the pleasure, is a sort of forced saturation in being ashamed of yourself for no particular reason other than your own imperfect humanity. It pretty much set the stage for the early stages of my life.

So, now that I'm no longer afraid of going to hell (and my kids are grown) there's no reason why I can't think about myself a little, is there? I think it's time for a little pampering, don't you?

Me too.

I'm really into this whole vegan thing. Don't worry, I have another blog for that. I won't bring it up too much. OK, maybe I will, but I'll try not to nauseate you with it. However, mostly, I'll just be posting about self care, in particularly, natural self care. Because that's what I'm into. It's all connected, you know?

If you're into it too, give me a follow. I may not be this entertaining every day, but I'll give it shot. Plus, I still have this caregiver persona thing lurking in the background. It dies hard. So, I figure, I can at least help someone else with the same issues to help themselves.

But, of course, only by helping myself first. Like, maybe I'll be soaking in a bubble bath at the time or slathering coconut oil all over my feet or something equally self indulgent. No, really. I will. I'm number one now, after all.

Ya, it dies hard.