Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Me time is naturally healthy!

Me time is happy time!
One of the very nicest things about minding my own business is that I get to mind MY own business. I have more time for me than ever, now that the kids are grown and I have released the grand-kids into the loving care of their parents where they belong.

I have more time to think, write, work, laugh and love. And I earned every single second of it. Which makes it even more valuable.

I went to catholic grade school where they taught us that putting yourself first is selfish and inconsiderate. They weren't completely right. Me time can be healthy. It's good for everyone around me. In fact, it's much better for those around me than always catering to their needs.

When I'm nice to myself, the happiness I get from leading a fulfilling life is contagious too.

Not only that, it's a good example for the kids and grand-kids.

Of course, it can be taken too far. But don't worry, the nuns did me some good as well. I'm not religious, but I have to admit that their practice of staying humble can be a good thing too. I just don't intend to be a complete (and completely miserable) martyr.

In fact, right now, I need a break. So, see you next post. And be good to yourselves. You deserve it and so do all the people around you.

Now, go to your happy place!